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Behavior Expections

Behavior Expectations - The 3 Rs
Be respectful, responsible and ready to learn.

3Rs Media Center Gym Hallway Bus Classroom Lunchroom Restroom


shaking hands
Enter with a pass. Remain quiet. Place books in the proper place. Do not consume food, gum or candy. Wait your turn. Push in your chair. Play by the rules. Show good sportsmanship.  Return all equipment. Play safely. Close locker doors quietly. Be quiet. Remain seated.  Keep food, candy & gum off the bus. Keep objects in bookbags. Do not throw objects from the window. Follow rituals & routines. Wait your turn, Clean your area. Do not remove utensils or food from the cafe. Follow directives given by teachers.


Return books on time. Pay for lost or damaged books. Handle equipment & computers properly. Clean up your area before leaving. Be responsible for one's actions, self & belongings. Lock up items of importance. Walk quietly & stay to the right. Be on time to the bus stop. Face forward & stay seated. Keep had & hands inside the bus. Teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn. Know your lunch number.  Keep the restroom areas clean & neat.


eagle with a pencil
Bring a writing utensil & paper. Bring books to return or renew. Ask for assistance if needed. Sit in roll call quietly. Be ready to listen, learn & do. Read commentary on student work at the end of each hallway. Learn & follow all safety rules. Be prepared for class & on time. Respect adults & others. Eat a balanced meal to help you think better. Four in the stall, 4 on the wall & 4 in the hall