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I Spy!

I Spy!







Mrs. Goff was awarded an A+ Grant for an I Spy project. Through this project Kendrick students communicated with students from around the world, through the Internet. They asked their keypals to send them an object that represented their area. Students also brought in objects related to their class work. 

These items were assembled to create a 3-D I Spy, in the media center. The idea for our I Spy project originated from this I Spy in the State Museum in Juneau, Alaska.

Billy Cole, the manager of Home Depot, donated the materials for the I Spy.

John Achenbach
John Achenbach


John Achenbach, Home Depot associate, designed and built the frame.  Thanks also goes to Bob Odum who assisted in hanging the I Spy frame.

Bob Odom
Bob Odom