by Makayla
One chilly night, in West Virginia, a dwarf who goes by the name of Alfred was playing uno with his dog clifford. They prepared hot cocoa and smores as a treat and played for hours. The score was twenty to thirty. Clifford loved Uno just as much as Alfred and they would often spend hours every Saturday night playing till one crashed. Unforeseen, this night would be the night that changed everything.
Jasmine, the cat, stood in the kitchen, glaring at the nauseating sight of Clifford and Alfred having fun without her. Her anger grew the more they laughed and joked together. This moment started her plan. She wanted to teach Alfred a lesson to never leave her out again. Clifford was going to be a perfect tool to do so.
When Alfred ran to the bathroom, Jasmine snuck behind the couch and waited for the perfect moment. As soon as Clifford turned his back, she pounced on him and struck him with a baking pin. Clifford winces in pain and Jasmine then picks up one of the mugs and throws it directly at his head. Alfred ran back in the room, and had a heart attack at that exact moment. This night ended in tragedy upon the midnight moon and now is told as a children's tale around the world. No one knows what truly happened to them, but they were never heard from again.