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Visitation Policy

Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s class(es) with the following guidelines being observed.  Please remember that instruction is our priority!  If you would like, you may bring paper and pen/pencil to take notes.  The teacher should not be disturbed for these materials.

  • Upon arrival at the school, check in at the office and obtain a visitors badge.  If the personnel in the office do not know you, you may be asked to show identification.  If possible, someone will escort you to the room. 
    In some cases an administrator may choose to observe along with the parent.  If no one is available to escort you, you may go directly to the classroom.
  • Whenever possible, the parent should plan to arrive at the beginning of a class and remain until the end.  If arrival is after class has begun, entrance to the room should be as quiet as possible.
  • The parent is to sit where the teacher directs him/her.
  • Parents are to be silent observers while in the classroom.
  • Since the teacher has the responsibility of all students, the parent cannot discuss his child or the observation immediately before or after the observation.  A phone or personal conference date can be requested on the post-observation conference form.
  • After the observation, return the visitor’s badge to the office.  At that time you will be asked to fill out a Post-Observation Conference Form.  The form should be filled out and left with the secretary.
  • If the parent does not follow the above procedures, he/she may be asked to leave.
  • Parents are not to talk with any students while in the classroom.
  • Any information regarding the observation should be confidential between the teacher, administrator, and parent.
  • Parents cannot observe in classrooms during standardized tests.

Any disruption to instruction may result in our asking the parent to leave.

Teacher Responsibilities Regarding Parent Observations

The following procedures should be followed by teachers concerning parent observations in classrooms:If enough notice is given, prepare a place for the parent to sit.  This should be a place that will not interfere with instruction.

  • If possible, provide materials for the parent to see (ex. textbook, worksheets, etc.).  They may bring paper and pen to take notes, but you do not have to provide these items.
  • Do not discuss the observation with the parent until a phone or personal conference can be arranged.  The parent should not take your time from other responsibilities or duties.
  • If the parent does not follow the guidelines given to them, you have the right to ask them to leave, or you may phone an administrator for help.
  • Before leaving for the day, check in the office for the post-observation conference form.  If the parent requests a follow-up, make sure to make contact within one working day.