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Title 1

Title I logo
 What is Title I?

Title I, Part A funds provide supplemental funding to support educators in improving the academic achievement of students who are economically and educationally disadvantaged.  The United States Department of Education awards Title I, Part A funds to state education agencies (SEAs), which subgrant funds to local education agencies (LEAs) on a federal formula based on the US Census Bureau counts of school-age children from low-income families residing in each district. The U.S. Department of Education website provides additional information. 

The Title I, Part A division at the Georgia Department of Education provides technical assistance, resources, and program monitoring to local education agencies (LEAs) in order to ensure all children have a “significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps" (ESSA, Section 1001). The GA Department of Education website provides additional information.

The mission of the Clayton County Public Schools Office of Federal Programs is to procure, manage and utilize federal funds to provide relevant, quality educational opportunities for all students to develop the skills necessary to reach their maximum potential as responsible, productive citizens and life-long learners.
The Office of Federal programs coordinates several compensatory education programs mandated by federal and state law.  Clayton County Public Schools benefits from many of the educational programs funded through the federal government.  This funding allows Clayton County Public Schools to offer additional professional development for staff, instruction, technology, parent involvement activities, and other critical services which are not provided through state and local education funds. The Clayton County Public Schools website provides additional information. 


Parents Right to Know letter
Parents Right to Know letter (Spanish)
School Parent Compact
Parent & Family Engagement Plan
School Wide Plan
One Percent Budget
Title I Meeting


Title I Survey