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Points of Pride 2024

Points of Pride


Point of Pride: KMS Club Hour

Description: KMS Club Hour takes place once a month of Fridays. Each teacher is responsible for sponsoring a club. During this hour, students move to different classrooms to participate in an an activity they are interested in or love to do. We have many clubs such as art, games, ROTC, dance/step, book club, soccer and more.

Impact: Participation in clubs provides opportunities for students to develop leadership skills, improve their communication abilities, and enhance their time-management and organization skills. In addition, it allows the students to have social interactions with peers and teachers who have similar interests.
Chess Club


Point of Pride: PBIS Versuz Winner

Description: The overarching goal of the PBIS Versuz is to increase implementation in the District and foster school connectedness while strengthening our scholars' resilience and promoting positive behavior. Twenty six KMS students, along with teacher support from A. Brown and E. Lovett joined forces to create a rap video with dancing, spirit, adlibs, and original lyrics to promote positive behavior. Additionally, one of our very talented eighth grade students cut, combined, deleted, and completely edited our video to make it a fantastic production.  We won the district PBIS Versuz challenge.

Impact: PBIS promotes positive behavior. It is aimed at establishing a positive student culture and individualized behavior support necessary to create a safe and effective learning environment for all students.  PBIS has students at KMS being on their best behavior and looking forward to exciting events as a reward.

PBIS Recognition


Point of Pride: MOY Map Growth for Math~#1 in the District

Description: KMS math department began the 2023-2024 school year rebuilding after having three vacancies in the 2022-2023 school year. We began the school year by creating a plan for our scholars and effectively monitoring the implementation in all our math classrooms. We monitored our data, held conferences, and used different strategies to promote growth and achievement.

Impact: We were #1 in the district for growth on the MOY Map. During a Zoom, we shared with the students their achievements in math.  They were very excited and motivated to continue to increase growth and achievement. They work hard daily during class and strive for success.

 Pictured below are our phenomenal math teachers!

Math Department


Point of Pride: All Stars Map Celebration

Description: To show our students appreciation and celebrate their accomplishments, we hosted a MOY Map celebration. The students were required to show growth in at least two subjects and have one +8 in the subject to attend. All students who showed growth received Starburst for "You're a star. Thanks for the burst of growth." Students who grew in all four subjects were known as Grand Slammers and received a golden ticket. Everyone who met the criteria were known as all-stars. The students spent the day eating pizza, chips and cookies while socializing with friends. We ended the day by awarding students with the highest growth in each subject a certificate while their peers sounded off.

Impact: Celebrating students' achievements helps maintain motivation and commitment to continuous effort and hard work. Celebrations are encouragement and it drives students to stay on track, students to get on track, and stay motivated in their learning.

Baseball Backdrop


Point of Pride: Something Out of the Blue Teacher Appreciation

Description: To show our teachers gratitude for all their hard work and dedication, we created a rolling cart with different blue drinks and  snacks. Then, we cruised down the hallway and allowed teachers to take their choice of beverages and snacks, as we informed them that we appreciated them.

Impact: Teachers were overwhelmed with joy. They felt appreciated.