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Mission and Vision Statement

Kendrick Middle School Philosophy

Kendrick Middle School is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the self-worth and dignity of each individual. We believe that teaching and learning are enhanced in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is the responsibility of the faculty to be sensitive to the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical aspects of the adolescent. Kendrick Middle School is self-renewing. We encourage collegiality and see it as a needed condition for staff communication and coordination. This self-renewing concept enables the school to cultivate an ongoing capacity to self-critique and self-improve, particularly in the contemporary high-standards-emphasizing environment. Recognizing the unique developmental characteristics of the middle school child, we strive to provide appropriate learning experiences and interpersonal communication. We work to facilitate a smooth, gradual transition between elementary and high school programs. In order to encourage our students to be contributing and productive citizens, we believe that the Kendrick Middle School’s faculty, parents, and community must work as a team to prepare adolescents to develop goals, meet challenges, and pursue aspirations.

Kendrick Middle School Mission Statement

The mission of Carrie D. Kendrick Middle School is to foster academic achievement and mutual respect for student success in a global society.

Kendrick Middle School Vision Statement
Kendrick Middle School will be the model of excellence in developing all students academically, socially, physically, and emotionally, thus empowering students to compete in a global society.

Kendrick Middle School Beliefs

  • A competent, caring, and qualified faculty and staff provide a positive learning environment.
  •  A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning.
  •  Student learning is the chief priority for the school.
  •  Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
  • A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning.
  • Cultural diversity can increase students’ understanding of different peoples and cultures.
  • Schools need to function as a learning organization and promote opportunities for all those who have a stake in the success of the school to work together as a community of learners.
  • The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative if our school is going to enable students to become confident, self-directed, and life-long learners.
  • Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.